The Yellow Stripe

The Yellow Stripe_10102023.jpg
The Yellow Stripe - Right_Final.jpg
The Yellow Stripe-Left_Final.jpg
The Yellow Stripe_10102023.jpg
The Yellow Stripe - Right_Final.jpg
The Yellow Stripe-Left_Final.jpg

The Yellow Stripe


For my birthday recently, I was given some 8" x 10" canvases, a pack of acrylic brushes, and a box of 22 acrylic paints. This proved to be a challenge as I have not painted with acrylics in nearly 1/2 century, basically since college. I decided to try these acrylics and found them to be very easy to use.

I decided on this design, focusing on the yellow stripe. If you look closely, you'll notice that I put down a "ground" on the canvas first, then took a template to create actual stripes in the ground. I let that dry and then painted over it. I was inspired by the autumn colors.

I decided to do a diptych, or 2 paintings to create one image and I realized that you can turn these canvases in any direction to create a different look. So, once you purchase this painting, have fun arranging these panels to make a new design.

Since I have moved out of state, it has taken me months to get back into the swing of things. This painting is the first one I have done in several months. I may continue painting with acrylic paints as I am finding it to be a nice change from watercolors.

I live in a very small town so the shipping may take longer than in the past.

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